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User Guide

General Description

Normal Account Menu – After successfully logging in, normal users can see only three menu links (Account Details, Password Change, Delete Account).

Resident Detail Edits – If an admin assigned a resident to a user from the backend, then only the user can edit their resident detail from their profile menu.

Residence Details Edit – If an admin assigned a residence to a user from backend then only the user can edit their residence detail from their profile menu.

General User Account Edit:

Users can edit their information like first name, last name, email address.

Users can change their password from the password menu.

Users can delete their account from the profile menu.

User Sign Up:

To become a member at city of river bluff first of all user needs to register on below link
After fill necessary details on above link user get email with login link on their registered email address

On click login link user redirect to their account page where they can modify General Account Details.
After filling necessary details when the admin approves the user then the user becomes a member. Until the user account is pending, the user can’t login to their account only admin approved users can login.

Sign In/Login

All the registered members can login anytime into site from this link and edit their information or search details.

Until the user account is pending, the user can’t login to their account only admin approved users can login.

User can Contact here for any query regarding site or help and also complaint here with filling necessary details.

Edit Resident Details from My Account:-

User can edit their below residents details from resident menu

  1. Occupations
  2. Cell Phone Number
  3. Home Phone Number
  4. Service Offering
Edit Resident Details from My Account:-

User can edit their below residents details from residence menu

  1. Street Number
  2. Street Address
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