Do you have any questions or concerns? Contact Katie Buhts at 502-767-7974 or [email protected] for assistance!

In response to the Bluegrass Water Utility Operating Company’s proposed sewer rate increase, the City of River Bluff sent the attached letter in opposition.

Letter to Bluegrass Water Utility Operating Company

Latest City Minutes

Budget Ordinance

An ordinance which adopts the City of River Bluff budget for the fiscal year July 1 thru June 30, by estimating revenues, resources and appropriating funds for the operation of city government.

Assessment Ordinance

An ordinance providing for the assessment of all real property within the corporate limits of the City of River Bluff, Kentucky, and the levying of an ad valorem tax thereon for city purposes. Current tax rate is 13 cents per one hundred dollars ($100) assessed valuation on all taxable property within the city.

Short Term Rental Ordinance

An ordinance which prohibits the rental of homes to non-relatives of the owner for periods less than thirty days.

Insurance Surcharge Information

In compliance with Kentucky State Law you are charged an 11% sales tax on your insurance needs. This tax is added to your insurance bill and collected by your insurance company.  This tax money is supposed to be distributed by your insurance company as follows:  1% to the State of Kentucky and 10% to the City of River Bluff.  However a significant amount of the money collected, which is properly due to the city, is not currently tendered to us.  This is due to a lack of accountability and an incorrect “code” applied to your policy.  The correct code for the City of River Bluff is “0457”.

Please contact your insurance company or agent and verify that your tax money is properly being sent to the City of River Bluff as directed and not being sent to another city such as the City of Prospect or the City of Goshen.  This call will not increase the amount of your bill; rather it will get the money already collected delivered to the City of River Bluff.

Ordinance Archive

Ordinance No. 1, Series 2023-2024

Ordinance No. 1, Series 2021-2022

Animal Ordinance No. 1, Series 2020

Ordinance No, 2, Series 2023-2024

Ordinance No. 2, Series 2021-2022

Ordinance No. 3, Series 1992-93

Notice of Sale Franchise

Ordinance No. 8, Series 1989-90

Ordinance No. 5, Series 1988-89

Ordinance No. 4, Series 1988-89

Ordinance No. 3, Series 1988-89

Ordinance No. 2, Series 1987-88

Ordinance No. 1, Series 1987-88

Ordinance No. 3, Series 1983-84

Ordinance No. 2, Series 1982

Ordinance No. 1, Series 1982

Ordinance No. 80-3

Ordinance No. 80-2

Ordinance No. 80-1

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